A payday loan at Nimble is just another term for a small, short term, unsecured loan. If you remove the general fear associated with the term, the facts are relatively straight forward - it’s just another loan type.
We know that this term isn’t a favourable one. You might hear this term and think loan sharks, hidden fees, and goal posts that seem to keep moving. That’s not the case at Nimble – we’re extremely transparent about everything we do. In fact, we’re always directing our customers to our Fee Statement which can help everyone better understand the costs surrounding our payday loan offering.
The name “payday loan” is thought to come from people relying heavily on previous payroll or employment records, and so the term “payday loan” was coined. While at Nimble we do ask for your employment status, instead of relying solely on this we also use your recent bank statements to best understand your suitability for a Nimble loan. We specifically look at your recent income and expenses to make a decision on how much we think you can comfortably borrow, taking that extra step to ensure we are fulfilling our mantra of being a responsible financial lender.
Much like all things Nimble, it’s a straightforward and no-fuss process. We’ve been providing payday loans for a long time, and have built our loan offering on a service known for its speed, convenience and security. We knew that borrowing money wasn’t easy for everyone, and so we set out to make it easy for all.
On our blog, you can find out more about the state of the finance and payday loans industry in Australia. Payday loans can be confusing but, with the right lender, your loan should be secure, transparent and easy. At Nimble, we’re all of the above and more - working as hard as we can since 2004 to make lending easier and better for everyone.
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.