There’s a fine line between being frugal, and being flat out stingy. Nobody wants the reputation of being a cheap friend, but yet, we all want to save some moolah. Here are some ways you can save your pennies, without the dreaded social outcasting of being labelled a cheapskate.

1. Buying Clothes

Being that stingy friend means holding off as long as possible to buy new sneakers. They tend to ignore the holes in their clothes (no, not the fashionable kind) and just replace their pieces with items that are the lowest price possible, regardless of quality, and style. A frugal savvy pal will take the time to weigh up the price with all the variables considered, such as durability, quality and whether it serves some serious looks. To be that savvy-frugal friend, take the time to weigh up whether those new boots are worth the price tag. If you buy the cheapest price possible with no care for quality or longevity you’re not really helping yourself out in the long run. 

2. Eating out

A cheap friend will be the one not putting their hand up to split the bill, will probably order the cheapest item on the menu (even if they totally don’t feel like those spring rolls), or will accompany you to a restaurant… just to watch you eat. A savvy friend eats out less frequently, but when they do, they recognise the value in treating themselves! A frugal person knows that every-so-often everybody deserves a nice meal at their favourite restaurant. A frugal spender avoids impulse meals (not falling into the Uber Eats on a lazy Sunday trap) and instead will spend money on a meal they’ll actually enjoy, getting value for their money.

3. Gift Buying

Regifting an old sweatshirt you’ve had laying at the bottom of your closet? This is definitely cheap. Scouring thrift and op shops for a thoughtful second-hand (and in great condition) gift? Frugal! Just not buying a present at all? Come on, that’s a little cheap. Sourcing a well-thought-out, heartfelt, hand-made present you know they’ll get use out of? Frugal! 

4. Activities

There are a tonne of frugal activities that you can do with your friends that are still fun without coming across cheap. Locked in to host your next gathering? Throw a potluck! Getting everyone to pitch in (as long as you pitch in as well!) is a frugal way to have fun. Sourcing a free concert in your local area for you and your mates to enjoy is a frugal way to spend the day. Just simply not turning up to an event because you’ll have to spend money? Cheap friend. Ditching your mate’s birthday party because you don’t wanna spend money? A sure-fire way to get that dreaded cheap label. 

If you want to treat your friends to fancy dinnera Nimble payday loan can help you enjoy a 3-course meal, and not skimp on those oysters. Favourite band coming to town? a Nimble cash loan can help you and all your pals have a night to remember and you’ll even have enough money to shout the Uber home.

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