The most common and logical reason for this is so that the lender can evaluate your most recent financial situation. They’ll look at a certain period of recent activities and evaluate your income and outgoings. This allows the payday lender to understand your current financial position and, as a result, they will be better informed to make a decision on your loan. This data can help define not only if you are a suitable applicant for a loan, but also for how much and for the loan period.
At Nimble we consider a number of factors when making a decision on your loan suitability, and one of these is your recent financial history. We ask you to securely log in to your bank account and our smart technology will evaluate your recent statements. As a responsible lender, we may also perform a credit check. In addition, we consider your employment circumstances so that we can ensure that your repayment schedule is manageable. We work hard to ensure that your loan type and loan term is suitable for you and trust that you will only agree to a loan that you are sure you can repay.
At Nimble, we’ll never ask you to do any cumbersome paperwork. Our application process happens online and we built it this way for speed and ease. When we first started Nimble, we believed the lending process needed to be easier and more efficient. We achieved that by building a secure and easy to use application process that makes the lending process stress free.
After we’ve evaluated your recent bank statements, we’ll come back to your fairly quickly with a decision. Your loan is paid directly into your bank account via bank transfer. Once approved, you’ll have the money in under an hour (if confirmed before 4.30pm AEST during banking days).*