There is no such thing as a guaranteed payday loan. Like all types of loans, payday loans are based on a number of factors. If you think you’ve found someone who will lend you a guaranteed payday loan, you should beware - this could be considered irresponsible. When you’re looking for a payday loan, it’s important to go with a reputable company. At Nimble, we’ve been lending to Australians just like you since 2004 - and we’re very proud of all we’ve achieved so far.
Here at Nimble, we understand that the need for fast funds when you’ve encountered a difficult situation is a reality for many people. That could be something like an emergency home repair or car repair - things that we just can’t see coming.
We have various factors that we consider when looking at approving your loan. Just because you have bad credit, doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be a suitable applicant. Like all responsible lenders, we consider your credit history, however we also consider your recent financial activity. We do this by looking at your recent bank statements to best understand how we are placed to help you.
Getting a Nimble loan is relatively straightforward and we’ve spent lots of time making it this way. You can apply from any device - laptop, tablet or mobile. Once you decide what type of loan you would like, it’s time to decide how much you’d like to borrow and for how long. Following that, we’ll ask you some pretty basic questions about your identity, and we’ll ask you about your income and expenses. And the last step is easy - once we’ve verified your details, most people will get an answer within minutes. Your loan is paid directly into your bank account via bank transfer. Once confirmed, you’ll have the money in under an hour (if confirmed before 4.30pm AEST during banking days).*
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.