Getting a quick loan with bad credit is possible. One way to do so would be to find a cash loan provider who looks beyond just a bad credit rating - for example a lender who will take into consideration when your bad credit rating was made, and compare that to your financial habits today.
At Nimble, your credit history is considered but is not the only factor we use when considering your suitability for a loan. We also look at your more recent financial history so that we can understand your financial situation today. We do this because we know that a black mark on your credit file from years ago does not necessarily represent your financial habits today. We want to know and understand your current situation so we can decipher how we are best placed to help you.
Getting a quick loan when you need it most is a problem lots of people encounter at one point or another. Emergency situations occur and that can be anything from a car repair needed right through to work required in your house. Sometimes, these little (or large) things mean that we just can’t make our budget work and so we need help. That’s why Nimble exists - we were born from the idea that borrowing money needed to be easier for everyone in times when they needed it most. So, that’s just what we did. Since then (back in 2004), we’ve granted 1.5 million loans to your fellow Australians.
Bad credit does not necessarily mean you are not suitable for a Nimble loan. At Nimble, we consider a number of factors when it comes to your quick loan and one of those is your credit history. However, your credit history is not the sole decision-maker in your application. When something unexpected happens or when you just can’t make your budget work for whatever reason, a quick loan can help make ends meet as an interim solution. Nimble can help make that solution a reality.