The act of applying for credit can have an adverse impact on your credit score. The reason for this is because a lender may run a search on your credit history before offering you a loan. If a lender is offering you a payday loan without doing this check, we would advise you to be wary.
At Nimble, if you do encounter financial difficulty we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible to avoid encountering further issues. We do our best to help in every situation, but we need time to be able to offer helpful advice and come up with a solution if we can. If you know or think you won't have sufficient funds in your bank account to cover your repayment, we ask that you contact us immediately by calling 133 156 (during business hours) to stop the direct debit. By advising us ahead of time, you may avoid the payment dishonour fees imposed by your bank.
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.