This is another area that is dependent on the payday lender, as each will likely have their own rules and regulations on this topic. For this reason, it’s recommended that you reach out to potential lenders when researching and ask them if they offer loans to those without a job.
At Nimble, we will consider your application if you are partially dependent on Centrelink benefits. When you start your application, we’ll ask about your employment status and benefits. In order to be eligible for a Nimble loan, you will need to be working. However, as mentioned, if you're partly dependent on Centrelink benefits, we will review your application to see if a Nimble loan is right for you.
We look at a number of factors when it comes to your loan and to verify your suitability. We ask you to log in to your bank securely so that we can see your recent bank statements to understand your current financial situation. We evaluate your income and outgoings to see if we can lend to you, how much we can lend to you, and for how long.
When we started Nimble we wanted to lend money differently. We wanted to lend money to the people who needed it most - quickly, securely and without the normal red tape that surrounds traditional lending. We wanted to be different but we never want to encourage financial irresponsibility. Taking out a loan when you’re unemployed can put a person at risk. You should be aware of any loan company that is willing to lend you money without having checked into your financial situation. This may be seen as irresponsible lending practice. At Nimble, we work with financial regulatory bodies to ensure we comply with the law around responsible lending.
In addition, we work hard to make sure you understand your loan fees, you can always view our Fee Statement. If you encounter financial difficulty, there are resources that can help advise you when you are going through a period of unemployment. ASIC is a great place to start.