This depends on the lender that you decide to borrow from. Each payday lender will have their own rules and regulations on lending to people who are not currently employed. We recommend that you reach out to the potential lenders when you are researching your loan and make enquiries about their rules around lending to people who do not have a job. 

At Nimble - we will consider lending to those who are partially dependent on Centrelink benefits - this will only be the case if your total income isn’t more than 50% from Centrelink.  Therefore, in order to be eligible for a Nimble loan, you will need to be working. If you are partially dependent on Centrelink benefits, we will review your application to see if a Nimble loan is right for you.

There are a number of factors that we consider when it comes to defining your suitability for a loan. We believe the best way to evaluate your current financial situation is to ask you to log in to your bank so that we can look at your recent statements. We evaluate your income and outgoings in order to best understand if and what we can lend to you and for how long. 

We started Nimble with the simple vision of making lending easier. Our goal was to lend money quickly, securely and without the normal red tape that surrounds traditional lending. Our goal was always to lend differently but with that said, we never wanted to encourage financial irresponsibility. 

Although your situation can be difficult when unemployed, you should really consider other options before taking out a loan as this can put you at further financial risk. If you are currently encountering financial difficulty, there are resources that can help advise you when you are going through a period of unemployment. ASIC is a great place to start.

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Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.

The information on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply, and are subject to change. Applications are subject to Nimble’s credit approval criteria. Redraw not available.

Nimble members who have previously borrowed and repaid one or more loans in full may be eligible to apply for up to $10,000 in their Member Area.

For our Small Loans of $2,000 or less, an APR (Annual Percentage Rate) doesn't apply. These loans are fee-based only, and so they don't have an APR. The establishment fee is 20% of the amount borrowed and the monthly fee is 4% of the amount borrowed.

For our Personal Loans between $2,050 and $5,000, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 47.6158% (Comparison rate 65.6597% p.a.) and there is a $400 Establishment Fee. For our Personal Loans between $5,050 and $10,000, the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 47.6158% (Comparison rate 47.6158%) and there is no Establishment Fee.

Warning about borrowing

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