Yes. You could be eligible for a payday loan, even if you have a bad credit history. A responsible lender may run a credit check on you - this is normal. However, this may not be the only factor the lender will consider. For example, a lender may also consider your recent financial history as well as things like your employment status.
At Nimble, we will consider lending to customers who have bad credit. We may run a credit check on you as this is normal responsible lending behaviour but we’ll also ask you to securely log in to your bank account in order to evaluate your recent financial history. This gives us a better idea of who you are today, rather than just considering your financial past. In addition we ask standard questions on your employment and to get a whole picture of your loan suitability before making a decision.
Applying for a Nimble loan is easy and we designed our application process to be fast and efficient. We started to operate our cash loan offering in 2004 and since then we’ve granted over 1.5 million loans. We knew we needed to remove the traditional barriers that came with lending and we wanted to build something that would allow lending to be easier for everyone, not just some people.
At Nimble - we are very transparent about our fees and encourage you read our Fee Statement. Our customer service team are based right here in Australia, so we’re always there for you if you need to talk about your application or your loan with us. Applying for a payday loan with Nimble is easy and straightforward. We work with you to ensure that your loan is personalised for your needs.
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.