Just because you have bad credit, it doesn’t mean you won’t be eligible for a cash loan. You can get a cash loan from many companies and these days it’s usually done online. Lenders may do a credit check, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it will be the only consideration when it comes to your cash loan.
At Nimble, we consider a number of factors when assessing your application for a cash loan. Factors like your employment status, as well as your recent income and expenses. We consider your credit history but it is possible to receive a cash loan with bad credit history at Nimble.
A Nimble loan can help you when unexpected things come along. This can be anything from a car repair right through to last-minute travel expenses. It’s not easy to make finance work when you’re under pressure, and Nimble can help by acting fast with your funds when you need it most. In fact, that’s why Nimble exists; our founders believed that borrowing money needed to be easier for everyone in times when they need it most. So, that’s just what we did. Since then (back in 2005), we’ve granted 1.5 million loans to your fellow Australians. We made lending easier for our customers and so they kept coming back. We made our application process easy, and made a promise to deposit funds quickly once approved. We knew that lending needed to be different and so we set out to change things.
Your credit history is not the sole decision-maker in your application when applying for a cash loan with Nimble. When something unexpected happens or when you just can’t make your budget work for whatever reason, a loan can help make ends meet as an interim solution. At Nimble, we can help make that solution a reality.
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.