A cash advance loan is another term for a small, short-term, unsecured loan. You may be confused about this type of loan as there are so many other names given to this type of loan – payday loan, cash loan, short term loan, etc.
Sometimes the term cash advance loan may have negative connotations. You might think loan sharks, or hidden fees, or things that may create a ‘grey area understanding’ of what the customer actually has to pay for. At Nimble, our cash advance loans are very far removed from any grey areas – we’re extremely transparent about everything we do. In fact, we’re always directing our customers to our Fee Statement which can help you understand our fees in plain language.
We extend this type of no-fuss approach to our application process. We work hard to make sure our application is as easy as possible. We have built our loan offering on a service which is well known for its speed, convenience, and security. We started this journey because we knew that borrowing money wasn’t easy for everyone, and so we set out to make it easy for all. This meant we had to remove the barriers associated with lending – lengthy wait times, lengthy paperwork, and lots of complications.
In fact, it’s so simple, we can be viewed as a 3 step process as below:
1. The application is straightforward and it all happens online. You can apply on the go, or from your home from any device – mobile, laptop, or tablet.
2. Following the application, you’ll get a decision.
3. If you're approved, you can be paid within 60 minutes if you confirm your loan by 4:30 pm AEST during banking days. Depending on your bank, you may be paid within minutes of confirming your loan 7 days a week, including public holidays*.
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.