Applying for a cash loan is easy and, these days, it usually happens online. Companies use smart tech to allow for paperless applications, and quick approvals and deposits. There are no long queues at the bank or difficult paperwork – applying for a cash loan has never been easier. Applying online takes the hard work out of applying for a cash loan. At Nimble, we’ve worked hard to make sure our application process is seamless and stress-free. We started Nimble way back in 2005 because we believed the process needed to be easier for everyone. We needed to ensure our online application was efficient, and so we worked to remove traditional barriers associated with lending. We knew that getting a payday loan online meant that everything had to be online, so we said no to lengthy paperwork or the need to sign anything with pen and paper. Fun fact: Nimble were the first company in Australia to offer paperless applications – we were way ahead of our time! We said yes to logging in to your bank securely, improved application processing speed, and ease of use. Here’s how the application works: 1. You start and complete the entire application online – you can apply from anywhere and from any device (mobile, laptop or tablet). 2. Following the application, you’ll get a decision. 3. Once we’ve evaluated your recent bank statements, we’ll come back to you fairly quickly with a decision. We’ll let you know if you’ve been successful and, if so, for how much and for how long. Your loan is paid directly into your bank account via bank transfer. Once approved, you’ll have the money in under an hour (if confirmed before 4.30pm AEST during banking days). Applying for a cash loan has never been easier! We’ve lent over 1.5 million loans to Australians and there’s a great reason for that - it’s easy! We’re a household name because we make finance faster and easier.
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.