Nimble is dedicated to making sure our loans and service meet your expectations. We value the feedback you have regarding how we're performing.
If you'd like to send some nice words our way about one of our team members, or you have a suggestion on how we can improve, please get in touch.
If our service doesn't meet your expectations, and you feel we need to work on something, please also get in touch - we're always improving thanks to the feedback we receive.
You can contact us using any of the following methods:
Phone: 133 156
Mail: PO Box 3592, Australia Fair QLD 4215
We do our best to resolve your complaint on the spot, but sometimes that may not be possible.
Here are a couple of steps to follow towards resolving an issue:
Get in touch with one of our call centre team members to help resolve your complaint. We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible.
If you're not satisfied with the resolution you get from our call centre team, you can have your complaint independently reviewed by our internal dispute resolution (IDR) team.
You can view Nimble's dispute resolution process here.
If you're still concerned with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Just a heads up that if you contact AFCA before your complaint has been reviewed by our internal dispute resolution team, they will refer you back to us. AFCA’s details are set out below.
Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Our cash loans have helped thousands of people just like you.